Belcher y Ryan, vencedores absolutos del Sofía Iberostar

8 abril 2018 | Por Redacción | Categoria: Otros Deportes, Vela
From the 30th of March to the 7th of April the bay of Palma in Mallorca (Spain) hosts the 49th Trofeo Princesa Sofia Iberostar, one of the most important Olympic sailing regatta in the world. Around 1,200 sailors from 64 nations take part in the event this year, in the largest edition in history. Image free of rights for editorial use. © Jesús Renedo / Trofeo Princesa Sofía Iberostar

From the 30th of March to the 7th of April the bay of Palma in Mallorca (Spain) hosts the 49th Trofeo Princesa Sofia Iberostar, one of the most important Olympic sailing regatta in the world. Around 1,200 sailors from 64 nations take part in the event this year, in the largest edition in history. Image free of rights for editorial use. © Jesús Renedo / Trofeo Princesa Sofía Iberostar

La entrega de premios de la 49 edición del Trofeo S.A.R. Princesa Sofía Iberostar ha puesto el broche de oro a una edición que ha contado con la participación de 870 barcos y 1.215 regatistas olímpicos de 62 países.

Al acto han asistido la consellera de cultura, participación y deportes del Govern Balear, Fanny Fur; el alcalde de Llucmajor, Gregori Estarellas; la concejala de Deportes del Ajuntament de Palma, Susanna Moll; la presidenta de la Real Federación Española de Vela, Julia Casanueva; el presidente de la Federación Balear de Vela, Joaquín González-Devesa; el presidente del RCN de Palma, Javier Sanz; el vicepresidente del CMSAP, Sebastià Salas; el presidente del Club Nàutic S’Arenal, Óscar Estellers; el director de marketing Europa de Iberostar, Óscar González; y el coronel Eduardo Gutiérrez, jefe del RIL Palma 42.

El cierre de la ceremonia lo ha protagonizado el equipo australiano formado por Matthew Belcher y Will Ryan,  de la clase 470 M, quienes han alzado la preciada ensaladera de plata en la que se graba el nombre del vencedor absoluto de la regata mallorquina.

Un total de 16 países han conseguido medalla en la edición de 2018 del Sofía Iberostar. El equipo británico ha sido el más laureado con un oro y cuatro platas; seguido de Holanda, que ha conseguido dos oros, una plata y un bronce; y Nueva Zelanda, con dos platas y un bronce. Destaca también la participación australiana con dos oros y el trofeo absoluto. Por su parte, el equipo español de vela ha conseguido la medalla de bronce en la clase Nacra 17 de la mano de Fernando Echávarri y Tara Pacheco.

From the 30th of March to the 7th of April the bay of Palma in Mallorca (Spain) hosts the 49th Trofeo Princesa Sofia Iberostar, one of the most important Olympic sailing regatta in the world. Around 1,200 sailors from 64 nations take part in the event this year, in the largest edition in history. Image free of rights for editorial use. © Jesús Renedo / Trofeo Princesa Sofía Iberostar

From the 30th of March to the 7th of April the bay of Palma in Mallorca (Spain) hosts the 49th Trofeo Princesa Sofia Iberostar, one of the most important Olympic sailing regatta in the world. Around 1,200 sailors from 64 nations take part in the event this year, in the largest edition in history. Image free of rights for editorial use. © Jesús Renedo / Trofeo Princesa Sofía Iberostar

From the 30th of March to the 7th of April the bay of Palma in Mallorca (Spain) hosts the 49th Trofeo Princesa Sofia Iberostar, one of the most important Olympic sailing regatta in the world. Around 1,200 sailors from 64 nations take part in the event this year, in the largest edition in history. Image free of rights for editorial use. © Jesús Renedo / Trofeo Princesa Sofía Iberostar

From the 30th of March to the 7th of April the bay of Palma in Mallorca (Spain) hosts the 49th Trofeo Princesa Sofia Iberostar, one of the most important Olympic sailing regatta in the world. Around 1,200 sailors from 64 nations take part in the event this year, in the largest edition in history. Image free of rights for editorial use. © Jesús Renedo / Trofeo Princesa Sofía Iberostar

From the 30th of March to the 7th of April the bay of Palma in Mallorca (Spain) hosts the 49th Trofeo Princesa Sofia Iberostar, one of the most important Olympic sailing regatta in the world. Around 1,200 sailors from 64 nations take part in the event this year, in the largest edition in history. Image free of rights for editorial use. © Jesús Renedo / Trofeo Princesa Sofía Iberostar

From the 30th of March to the 7th of April the bay of Palma in Mallorca (Spain) hosts the 49th Trofeo Princesa Sofia Iberostar, one of the most important Olympic sailing regatta in the world. Around 1,200 sailors from 64 nations take part in the event this year, in the largest edition in history. Image free of rights for editorial use. © Jesús Renedo / Trofeo Princesa Sofía Iberostar


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